
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Asperger vs Neurotipicals.

Neurotipicals....We should have a bether name for them, I mean most of us are into fandoms, we are used to make flufly awsome names to pairings and charecters and things.... why don´t we have a name for them?

Now geting to the all AS vs NT thing.

Sometimes, I think, that people think, that I´m all for AS supermacy, wich I´m not. I think that all people regarding their brains anatomy should be respected,understanded, and treated as equal. 
You see this is not who is more inteligent our as the more skills our anithing. 

Its about Humans, 

Sometimes, I feel that people focous a lot on the AS supermacy, we have to stop with it becouse no one is bether then anyone.
I agree. But sometimes, there is an other supermacy.
The neurotipical supermacy.

I dont want to ofend anyone.Our point the finger at someone. Lets just get that out of the way.

Sometimes, there is this belive , that having a neurotipical brain, is what  is more important, becouse, you can socialize, you can do whatever ou do becouse you'r NT brain is wired for it. And then theres the belive that the only way of doing things right is the neurotipical way, and that if we take more time to do one thing in life then what our NT partener would take, its a bad thing and we dont function right. 
And then theres the people that want to cure us to make us more like them , because,again, having that tipe of brain is better.

This is supermacy.... Rather you like it our not.

I'm sorry if I'm going to ofend someone, but for me its like saying that being withe is better then being black.

Want to stop with supermacy ? Let's stop with all kinds of supermacy.

As humans we all have feelings, and it hurts when other people say that we have some kind of brain damage.

And NT´s dont like it neither.

We need to stop bashing one trait so the other is exalted, like Temple Garden says "The world needs all types of minds" Let's be happy with what we have. 

It's not Aspergers that makes my life difficult. It's people that don't understand me that make my life difficult.

Sorry if I offended someone.

See you guys soon.

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