
Friday, December 5, 2014

Entry number 16: Ranting, TED, STUFF!!

Sorry for not posting the entry about manga, but I will! I was working on an other entry about Asperger. Its a realy long one, I just want to explain some things to people.


So I lost an other follower on Tumblr do to a post of Scrupolosity ... Okay ... moving on
The great thing about this place is that I dont have a need for followers like I have there, this is my sanctuary with no pressures, no, my blog is only about THIS. Our anithing, And all much of the people that read my blog dont know me so... (well I have several persons that do, but I feel confortable arround you guys).
And here I can feel like I can talk without having to pleasour everyone and I can talk from the top of my head...wich is good.

Moving on.
On this past 2 weeks our so, my blog as had 149 views .... wich is crazy , and I have a few people that actualy follow me. (I mean they come and see my stuff but they are anonimous.)

Wich realy makes me happy, Im happy , yeei !

When I started this blog on the aspies forum I wanted it as a place to vent, becouse I was so ... into my own litle things and I toght no one would understand it and such. And they did, and Aniway. I saw Beckie doing it and it just inspired me.

Aniway I´m having a lot of views from Portugal...wich is wierd becouse this blog is in english, the only toght I can came up with  is that, my link, its in portuguese.

So maybe, maybe, I´l make a page in portuguese for this people. To talk about ....what they came in to search.

(Vocês percebem o que eu escrevo? Estão aqui á procura de informações sobre AS? Eu só disse isso por causa do meu link ser relacionado com aspies... yeah, se quiserem posso fazer uma página em português dedicada a vocês o que acham ?  ----Translation- I just asked them if they came here  searching for AS informations.And the page thing.)

So now I´m on the process of tranlating a TED video in portuguese, the video is about the ALS bucket chalenge, its a realy deep story, and Peet just inspired me like hell.
If you want to watch the ted talk its here:


and the ice bucket chalenge of Bill gates, you will understand why after watching the first video.


this desease is terrefing just to tho think about it. Its like alzhimer only in the body,

I realy wish they can find a cure.

to both deseases.

so, since im just ranting about nothing.

cuz thats what im realy good at doing, I´m gonna leave you and when I come back, I´ll come back with some proper posts.


See you :)

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